College Fast Track: Essential Habits for Less Stress and More Success in College
College Fast Track is written with today’s college student in mind. Its focus is in helping students balance the many new challenges of college life. Its message is one of building good study and personal habits, achieving greater academic success while enjoying a better, less-stressful college experience.
College Fast Track is concise, easy-to-read, and written in an approachable, peer tone. Its immediate suggestions, examples, and tips are invaluable. Books for college students tend to be written by committee or college professors or administrators, highly detailed, and pedantic. They are often written as much for parents as for the students themselves. They provide information, but their goal is not to help in ways that students are concerned about. And because they are written by those long out of college, it is difficult for students to connect with the advice.
College Fast Track is unique in these respects. It is written by a peer student—a highly successful college student who went on to success in law school. As a current law student, the author remains highly aware of the issues facing the current student.
College Fast Track focuses on immediately usable habits. Its goal is to help students improve in measurable ways, and in ways that provide greater—not less—time for enjoyment: success and less stress! Once college begins, however, the reading load is enormous (and parties beckon), thus “extra-curricular” reading is unappealing. Unlike other books on college, this book will not be over-laden with details about mundane issues. Instead, College Fast Track cuts right to the most important issues. Better success, easier study, and higher grades and graduation prospects. Get it on your Kindle, Amazon.com, BN.com, or wherever books are sold!

For a law student, numerous and massive reading assignments loom from the very first day -- with no let-up until final exams -- and with zero feedback until those finals. Law students wonder where to begin, how to begin, and what to do each day.
Law School Fast Track is short, fast, inexpensive, and easy-to-read. It is written to help law students starting on day one with one thousand pages of assigned cases. Its immediate suggestions, examples, and tips focus on the first week of law school, emphasizing the importance of establishing and maintaining good habits.
Law School Fast Track will help form good habits before and during the first week of law school. For example, during the first week a student will decide where to study, how long to study, how to brief a law case, what to do with class notes, how to outline, and when to start outlining, among many other demands.
Law School Fast Track will cut right to the most important issues: essential habits for law school. Better success, easier study, and higher grades and graduations prospects. Get it on your Kindle, Amazon.com, BN.com, or wherever books are sold!